Founder Margo K. Daley Soll, President/CEO Margo Soll Weiss, and granddaughter Michelle Weiss are all excited about their 35
thanniversary and agree that there is a big celebration in order! Starting July 11
th and running through August 15th, Cosmopolitan Medical Communications took on the challenge
to raise $3,500 for (Susan G. Komen for the Cure).
To raise funds internally, Team Members have been permitted to wear either jeans or shorts with a $1.00 per day donation during the event. Generally business casual environments, Team Members see this as a way to beat the heat while contributing to a great cause!
Susan G. Komen fought breast cancer with her heart, body and soul. Throughout her diagnosis, treatments, and endless days in the hospital, she spent her time thinking of ways to make life better for other women battling breast cancer instead of worrying about her own situation. That concern for others continued even as Susan neared the end of her fight. Nancy G. Brinker promised her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.
That promise is now Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the global leader of the breast cancer movement, having invested more than $1.9 billion since inception in 1982. As the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists, we’re working together to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures. You can read more on their website.
The women of Cosmopolitan Medical Communications are very passionate about contributing to the charity of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, as they have breast cancer fighters in their family. To date, Cosmopolitan has raised over $750.00 in donations, for a total of $1,500 with Cosmopolitan’s matching funds! We would be immensely grateful and appreciative for any and all donations. Please visit our
Eventbrite Page to make your contribution.
Thank you!