Set Realistic Goals

With 2012 officially underway, it’s no surprise that goals and resolutions have been set worldwide. Some popular resolutions that are seen year after year include spending more time with family, losing weight, getting fit, and possibly quitting smoking and/or drinking. If successful, all of these resolutions would save time spent in the doctors’ office.  In recent studies, over 66 percent of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese, which in turn can cause many health issues like heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Patients set goals for themselves in hopes of improving their lifestyle, with no idea what the medical risks may be. As a doctor and/or nurse, your duty is to provide comfort to patients. When they walk in your doors, chances are they are already nervous and are unsure about how to approach you with their questions and concerns. Help your patients’ turn worrisome, negative doctor’s appointments into simple, routine check-ups! Here are a few tips on keeping the appointment open and comforting:
  • During a busy day, full of demands, it can be difficult to slow down and focus, so remember to listen intently.
  • It can be tough to bounce between professionals who understand medical terminology and patients who may not. Don’t forget to answer their questions in a language they can decipher.
  • Stay calm and smile!
Cosmopolitan is available to help doctors’ offices stay on track so that you can focus on helping your patients rather than answering phones. What kind of goals have you set for 2012? We’d love to hear about them, share with us on Facebook!
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