Choosing the Right Answering Service for Medical Offices
Hiring the right answering service can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration and research. A good answering service can make a huge difference in the quality of the services you offer and impact your daily operations. The right answering...
After hours call answering service: essential for your medical practice
Nowadays, patients in every location are looking for a 24/7 phone call service. Availability has always been a big factor in medical care and patient satisfaction; however, modern technologies have continued to increase this requirement. The demand for after hours...
Is your practice prepared for a grid down scenario?
Regardless of the type of business that you’re running, it likely depends on certain basic services to carry out its daily operations, such as electrical power, internet connection, and water supply. If these services become interrupted for any reason, it...
Physician Answering Services: A Medical Process Outsourcing Service
In our last blog article, we explained what Medical Business Process Outsourcing is on a technical level and also how Cosmopolitan Medical views this process. Now we would like to share with you details of specific functions or processes that...
Let Your Patients Know You Care
It’s no secret that modern technologies have greatly impacted how we conduct ourselves and our work. These changes can be easily spotted in the medical field, where the use of new strategies such as telemedicine, digital records, and artificial intelligence...
Cheap Medical Answering Services – Any Catch?
Hiring a good call center may sound like a relatively simple task, but it can be a bit more complicated than you think. There are many different factors that separate good and bad call centers, and unfortunately, a low-quality medical...
Becoming More Efficient: What Every Medical Practice Needs to Succeed
Create an effective scheduling system Few things are more frustrating than having to wait for patients who don’t show up, or arrive late. But on the other hand, patients also often get upset when their medical appointments are delayed through...
Answering your clients: Why speed matters
It’s normal for businesses to strive to do their best for their customers. If you’re running a small or medium business, you may be focusing most of your resources on the quality of the products and services you offer. Doing...