How a Quality Answering Service Keeps Customers Calling Back
Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What made them make a beeline to call your business in the first place? The answer is they want your assistance. Now. Probably even yesterday, but you have no control over that. They could have called...
The Ultimate Answering Service for Doctors and What You Need to Know Before Choosing One
For so many of us caught up in today’s crazy pace, decent sleep is getting increasingly harder to come by. This has always been a dire dilemma for medical doctors — and more than a little dangerous. Wouldn’t you give...
TigerText integrates with Startel’s cloud contact center software
TigerText and Startel Partner to Provide an Integrated Solution for Answering Service Providers TigerText integrates with Startel’s cloud contact center software; Answering service providers save time and money, while their customers see jump in staff communication and efficiency. ...
New HIPAA / HITECH Regulations Have a Significant Impact Text Messaging and Email
Over the last couple of years, we have seen explosive popularity and utilization of text messaging among our providers – and for good reason. Text messaging has a number of advantages over the antediluvian alternative: pagers. However, text messaging popularity,...
Return on Expectations
Last month we introduced a term of measuring success called ROE, return on expectations. It is common practice for businesses to seek qualified ROI (return on investment) information when buying a product or service. Cosmopolitan often provides diligent calculations of...
Engage with Every Contact
The first factor of creating a WOW experience at Cosmopolitan Medical Communications is to properly engage every contact through careful listening and qualification of their specific and unique needs. Excelling in engagement is critical when it comes to supporting our large...