5 Little Known Facts About Medical Answering Services

5 Little Known Facts About Medical Answering Services
Outsourcing your calls to high-quality medical answering services are an effective method for maximizing the contact you have with your patients at a relatively low cost. As a result, this flexible service can make your medical practice more efficient and give your revenue a boost in the process! When your patients can connect with you at any time, they are more likely to feel supported and satisfied. This can increase your patient retention rate, fuel new patient acquisition, and give your revenue stream a healthy boost. By outsourcing this important labor, you can give yourself some peace of mind. Below is a list of 5 benefits to using a medical answering service that many people may not have considered.

1. Your Calls Are Always Answered

In today’s global economy, commerce never sleeps. This is especially true, when it comes to the healthcare landscape. Patients expect to be able to reach someone at any time of the day or night. Employing a receptionist from 9-to-5 just isn’t good enough anymore. Your patients may become frustrated when they struggle trying to reach you. With a medical answering service, your patients can speak to a real person 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

2. The Use of Live Receptionist Services Increases Patient Satisfaction

When you use a medical answering service, patients can connect with you whenever it is convenient for them. Rather than navigating annoying computerized phone trees, your customers can always speak to a real person. A live receptionist may be able to field general questions, schedule appointments, provide basic information, and take messages. This kind of attention has been shown to increase customer satisfaction, and keep your patients coming back.

3. Answering Services Serve Multilingual Patients

About 1 in 10 people living in the United States do not speak fluent English. Even among those who do speak English well, there are many who would feel more comfortable communicating in their first language. This is especially true when it comes to communicating specialized medical information. By using a multilingual answering service, you can meet these patients where they are, and give them the support they need.

4. A Specialized Medical Answering Service Can Boost Your Revenue

When patients are able to connect with you at any time, they are likely to feel supported. They will provide valuable word-of-mouth reviews to friends and family. Perhaps most importantly, your patients will remain loyal to your business and keep coming back. Make providing excellent, around-the-clock customer service the backbone of your business and watch your revenue grow!

5. Quality Answering Services Comply with HIPAA

The privacy of your patients’ information is paramount. Chances are, you already take numerous measures to protect this sensitive information. This will not be compromised by your work with a medical answering service. High-quality answering services follow HIPAA guidelines to keep your patients’ private information safe and secure. After learning about the myriad benefits to using a medical answering service, perhaps you are ready to take your practice to the next level. A high quality medical answering service might be the right choice for you.
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