The Water Wonder

Guest Blog Post by: Alexa Diaz, Registered Dietician at Mountain Park Health Center While the first day of summer is a skip, hop and a jump away, increasing temperatures are seemingly ahead of their time in Arizona. As we prepare to beat the heat by staying indoors, don’t forget what is synonymous to all life…water! Staying hydrated is not only important during the summer months but also as equally essential year round in the dry desert. Hydration is one major reason to drink water, however, this chemical does many other jobs behind the scenes:
  • Water plays a major role in the fat-burning process. Not only is it calorie-free, it is necessary in one of the four sets of reactions in lipid oxidation for energy. Even if mildly dehydrated, fat burning and exercise performance can be affected.
  • Feeling puffy? Flush out with water. According to the Institute of Medicine, the daily adequate intake for water is 3 liters and 2.2 liters for healthy mean and women, respectively. For those individuals who exercise, an extra 1 ½- 2 ½ cups will suffice to make up for any lost fluids during exercise. Pair with foods high in potassium, magnesium and Vitamin C for a natural diuretic effect, or add these foods in your water. Tip: adding lemon, lime or cucumbers to your water will help beat the bloat.
  • Keep your skin look younger! According to Associate Professor of University of California Los Angeles, Howard Murad, M.D., staying hydrated keeps skin looking youthful and supple by filling in fine lines and boosting your overall complexion, giving it a vibrant appearance.
Although we get water from other things such as foods and beverages, keep in mind that water is zero-calorie, easily accessible and quite inexpensive. Takeaway tip: to incorporate water into your daily life, drink with meals and during exercise. Sources: 13 Surprising Benefits of Water. Susan Hall. The Ladies Home Journal. 7 Ways to get your Body Swimsuit Ready, Starting Now. Healthy Living. Nutrition and Healthy Eating. Mayo Clinic.
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