Is the 24 7 Call Center, Good for Business?

Technology has changed the way many businesses operate, providing new opportunities to connect with and serve customers that weren’t available even twenty years ago. The vast majority of businesses now operate at least some kind of online arm, for example. Even if you don’t necessarily have an online store to sell goods or book service appointments, you at least have a website where prospective customers can learn about your business. Why is this important? Two decades ago no one would complain if they couldn’t find you online. The difference is that expectations have changed. Now people want what is possible, and if you don’t provide it, they’ll look elsewhere. This is exactly why your business could benefit from hiring a 24/7 call center. The easy availability of information and services offered online has made consumers into an instant gratification crowd that wants round-the-clock access to the goods and services they love. As a business owner, you simply might not have the resources (staff and budget) to provide for such whims. Just because a customer has a question after standard business hours doesn’t mean you can afford to keep staff on duty just to answer the phone. However, answering services provide solutions that suit both you and your customers. Here are a few reasons why a 24/7 call center could be just what your business needs to stay on top.

Customers Want Convenience

Adding the services of a 24/7 call center to your business can drastically increase convenience for customers, who gain the ability to contact you on their schedule. The problem with having set business hours is that they’re likely to fall during the times when most people are also at work. What are busy adults to do? They can hardly take time away from work to call you with questions or concerns, and even stay-home parents are likely strapped for time during daylight hours. This leaves consumers calling early in the morning, on their lunch hour, or perhaps on the way home from work at the end of the day. If you receive a high call volume at these peak hours, you may not have the staff or open phone lines available to accommodate every call, leaving customers dealing with long hold times, or unable to get through at all. This can be terribly inconvenient, and it’s not likely to win you any points with patrons or prospective customers, who will probably seek out competitive services that are more accommodating and cognizant of their needs. Keeping your customers satisfied requires that you understand their wants and needs and try to deliver fast, efficient, and convenient service. A 24/7 call center can be an excellent addition in this capacity.

Customers Want a Company that Cares

Some people think that customer service has gone the way of the dodo, what with giant corporations more concerned about the bottom line than building relationships with consumers. The old adage “the customer is always right” has been replaced by policies that favor quarterly budget reports over long-term customer care. For this reason, many consumers are pleasantly surprised when they deal with a company that actually does take their questions and concerns seriously and takes steps to ensure a good experience and positive outcomes. It’s important to remember that consumers aren’t just purchasing a product or service – they’re buying your brand. People can gain access to consumer goods and services from just about anywhere. What’s going to keep them coming back to you? It’s how they’re treated. If they view your company as a brand that puts customers first, that really cares about the customer experience, they’re going to shun competitors, choose you, and probably share their thoughts and experiences with family, friends, and other consumers as a trusted source of information. Everyone is looking for meaningful connections in life, even when purchasing goods or services, and they want to do business with companies that make them feel like family. Providing friendly and helpful customer service round-the-clock with a call center shows customers that you care enough about their business to pick up the phone when they call.

Support Your Staff

Suppose you rely solely on your staff to field calls during business hours. High call volumes could be extremely stressful for workers, who could easily become overwhelmed when every line is full and they can’t help customers fast enough. In addition, consumers stuck on hold for long periods of time may be annoyed or even irate by the time they actually get through to a live person, and they could unfairly take it out on your employees. This is a situation you want to avoid, not only for the sake of your valued customers, but also for your harried staff, who are doing their best to serve your clientele. When staffers are happy and calm, they’re going to provide the best possible customer service on your behalf, and a polite and helpful attitude can go a long way toward earning patronage and positive reviews. In other words, support your staff even as they support your business – by providing the backup of a 24/7 call center that not only takes calls after hours, but manages overflow when call volume is high.

Save Money

Keeping permanent staff on the phone lines, waiting to take calls 24/7, simply isn’t feasible for most business. It’s just too expensive, especially if calls during off-hours are few and far between. Still, you don’t necessarily want to miss out on these calls – if they go unanswered you could lose business not only from callers, but also from lost recommendations. How can you have your cake and eat it, too? A 24/7 call center is the obvious answer. These third-party businesses provide the staff you need at a fraction of the cost of keeping a dedicated operator on the payroll. In most cases, you can pay a flat monthly fee, or if you have a relatively small call volume, you may have options to pay per call. When you team up with a reputable and reliable 24/7 call center, you have the opportunity to offer the convenience and care customers expect, even while alleviating the burden on employees and saving money. This is all good news for your business moving forward.  
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