Our lab result service is an easy and efficient way to deliver lab results. Doctors can choose to record custom lab reports in their own voices or your office can select from pre-recorded lab messages in our system. To ensure confidentiality, information is accessed through a HIPAA compliant portal that will prompt patients for a pin or password to allow them to hear the results.
- Deliver accurate results at a fraction of the cost.
- Easy set-up.
- Patient and provider friendly.
Dedicated Account Representatives
When you sign up for service, you will be assigned an Account Representative who will be responsible for your account. Should you have any questions or updates, they will be able to assist.

Knowledgeable Team
All of our communications specialists are required to complete extensive training in medical terminology, hospital procedures and insurance/HMO verification.

Errors & Omissions Insurance
We have had errors and omissions insurance since the beginning of our operations 40 years ago, yet due to our outstanding service, we have never needed to use it.

Prompt & Secure Delivery of Labs
Delivering lab results to your patients can be done easily and effectively while maintaining HIPAA compliance. All information is relayed securely ensuring patient privacy and our team can incorporate customized message delivery to your patients. Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will reach out to you with more information or call us at the number below.