Hosting seminars and classes allow you to personally interact and inform your patients, but preparing for events can take a lot of time and effort. Without the right resources to handle all the variables effectively, you might not be able to fill every seat.
Cosmopolitan Medical Communication’s event registration service can help you provide the best possible customer service experience and ensure that your event is well attended.
Let us give you piece of mind that your patients will be handled professionally and with care no matter what time or day they call.
- Make a great first impression without having to dedicate additional time and resources.
- Live and automated services available around the clock.
- Contact all event registrants to confirm their attendance and relay last-minute reminders.
Whether you need assistance gathering pertinent information, collecting payment or answering event related questions, we can handle it all.
No Outsourcing
We have one office location in Arizona. All of our Team Members work in the same facility. We do not have any Team Members that work from home & we do not outsource any of our calls.

Knowledgeable Team
All of our communications specialists are required to complete extensive training in medical terminology, hospital procedures and insurance/HMO verification.

Log of Past Calls
There have been times our clients have had the desire to review previous calls or messages. We guarantee that voice recordings and messages are maintained for at least seven years.

Streamline Your Event Registration
Let us relieve the headaches that come with properly managing event registration. Keeping your attendees informed and handling the registration process efficiently, will allow your class or seminar to run as smoothly as possible. Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will reach out to you with more information or call us at the number below.