Problems or concerns related to one’s health can be very frightening and stressful. When calling to speak with a provider, patients want prompt service and immediate action. Our medical answering service staff are highly trained to handle all manner of calls. Whether it is for an emergency situation or a routine matter, ensure your patients are being taken care of with the utmost urgency and professionalism.
- Extensive experience in handling various schedules across multiple specialties.
- Trained to follow practice’s protocols including contacting the correct on call provider via their preferred method of contact.
- Customized consults delivered per physician’s protocols.
- Trained to follow proper message delivery instructions.
- Spanish/English doctor and patient translation available 24 hours.
We offer a wide range of custom answering service solutions that will help keep your practice running smoothly day and night.
Appointment Reminders
Our automated appointment reminder system allows us to easily integrate with your system to remind your patients of their appointments via phone, text or email. Patients can confirm their appointments and you can receive customized reports about the outcome.

Class/Event Registration
Planning an event? We can provide live, 24/7 coverage to handle your event registration. We can integrate with your platform or build our own registration form to gather necessary information from attendees, answer questions, and help increase attendance!

Post-Discharge Services
Cosmopolitan Medical Communication can help you streamline the post discharge process and help lower readmission rates. We can assist with instructions, prescription routines, scheduling follow-up appointments, and can answer many other common questions.

Your Answering Service for Multiple Specializations
With an intelligently crafted, secure and customized system, your practice can hand off their concerns knowing that your patients’ needs will be answered in the manner you dictate. Our multilingual representatives are highly trained professionals with a focus on delivering the highest level of service your patients have come to expect. Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will reach out to you with more information or call us at the number below.