Community Health Centers

At Cosmopolitan, we understand that when patients are attempting to contact one of your clinics, reaching a friendly, compassionate Team Member who can easily assist them in a timely manner is of the utmost importance. We have worked with community health centers in a variety of different aspects.

We have had worked with centers who have outsourced their entire scheduling department to our organization, ones who have utilized us to complete new patient pre-registration, and clients who have us handle overflow calls should their hold times exceed a certain level.

Whether your community health center needs help with scheduling or overflow calls, we can be there to assist your center.


Have all your patients’ calls for service answered promptly and professionally. New patient registrations and appointment scheduling can all be handled, securely and safely. Allow us free up your valuable resources and time. Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will reach out to you with more information or call us at the number below.

Call: 1-800-900-0101